The Brotherhood of man will come only if the Fatherhood of God is recognized. The nineteenth century was an era of atomism. The materialism based on atomism, ancient and modern, continued on from the nineteenth century into the first quarter of the twentieth century, with the added impetus given to it by new developments in science. Without attempting to foresee the details of the synoptic view that may be forthcoming, one can safely predict that the new synthesis will make short shrift of mechanistic science and supernaturalistic religion. Dualism and fragmentation belong to the old order of thought; correlativity, complementarity, and integration belong to the new order. The author's own researches have moved in the direction of the “hierarchical frequency model,” wherein people seek to understand how “microrhythms” are integrated into “macro-rhythms.” Many of these frequency scales, the “fields within fields”, are orchestrated in octaves and cycled somewhat like the second, minute, and hour hands of the clock.