Of all the terms that have been suggested, the name “cosmic humanism” strikes the most suitable description of this new universe-in-the-making. Perhaps this is so obvious to the author because the term compresses an entire philosophy, as Charles Francis Potter pointed out when he labelled the philosophy and religion of Dr. Albert Einstein as Cosmic Humanism. Parts of the new knowledge concerning the earth and its interior and exterior environments come from information which is supplied by the artificial satellites circling the earth. The process by means of which man sees the universe is the reverse of the process whereby the universe was created. The world is created through lenses and is seen through lenses. The proponents of Cosmic Humanism are everlastingly seeking to carry forward the enterprise of integration, intellectual and social. It is hoped that this world-view may provide a conceptual framework for the wholistic aspiration that is as broad and deep and wide as the name implies.