This chapter presents what I found in my research about the discourses regarding these values including gender dynamics, age and values, values in the past versus values now, and participants' different perceptions. The discourse around the loss of traditional values and their integration into the formal education system has become a current issue in Senegal. In recent years, Senegal has witnessed a significant increase in violence, both oral and physical as well as hate speech, xenophobia, large-scale cheating during national exams, child abuse, embezzlement, debauchery, use of technological devices to vilify people, and so on. The result is a growing fear that the country may be losing its legendary stability in these uncertain times. Additionally, this chapter discusses if and how local values are integrated in formal schools in Senegal and the target school in particular. The discourse regarding traditional values in this chapter investigated the local community's perception and use of these values, referred to sometimes as moral principles, with a focus on their evolution throughout time, the contemporary and historical figures who embody these values, gender, age as perceived regarding traditional values, and the relationships between local and national values.