After the 1970s, when the European left-wing movement was on the wane and Frankfurt School thoughts were disrupted, traditional Western Marxism also fell into trouble in practice and hit a bottleneck in theory. Analytical Marxism is an important academic school differing from “orthodox Marxism”, humanism by the Frankfurt School, and structuralism by the Althusser School, which was created by British and American scholars such as Gerald Allan Cohen, John Roemer and Jon Elster. Human civilization, however, stays in the transition of capitalism to socialism, under the background of which discussions on Marxist justice theory are of critical practical significance and value. During the course of history, Western theory schools related to Marxism gradually turned to studying justice, such as the Frankfurt School, Marxist Feminism, Ecological Marxism, Urban Marxism and so on, which served to enrich and develop the classical justice theory.