This chapter centers around a sense of belonging on college campuses for the undocuBlack participants within the current study. To set the stage to discuss belonging, it is important to understand how belonging is defined and how it has been understood within higher education over the years. Therefore, as this study is rooted in race and immigration, it provides a glimpse of the literature on belonging within those contexts; such as belonging and racial identities, and belonging and engagement, and belonging and undocumented students. Following, it lays out Strayhorn’s (2012) definition of belonging and discusses why it is centered within this study to frame the experiences of the undocuBlack participants. Then, it provides examples of the experiences of the undocuBlack participants within undocumented and Black spaces on their campuses and demonstrates how those experiences contributed to their sense of belonging. Finally, the chapter concludes with a minor discussion on how we move forward.