The number of part-time faculty may be leveling off, but their presence is permanent. To provide, support, or sustain quality educational programs, all faculty members need to be part of their institution’s creative, intellectual, and administrative fabric. To meet the challenge, an institution should create and foster an organizational climate and culture that are:

Inclusive. The roles of all faculty who are engaged in teaching are identical. What may distinguish between and among them is the proportionate time commitment. Similarly, aside from unique scholarly activity requirements (such as for tenure and promotion), nonteaching roles of teachers, such as participation in institutional life, student advising, and professional contributions, are expected from and valued by all.

Supportive. The necessary working conditions and tools are provided equitably so that every teacher can do an outstanding job. Acknowledgment of contributions and quality is provided readily as are opportunities for professional growth.

Collegial. The institution promotes interaction among part-time faculty members and between full-time and part-time faculty. Support and professional staff members provide the necessary services to all faculty without distinction.