This chapter highlights some types of communicating that might be used in building partnerships. At the heart of partnerships are interactions and relationships that build on strong interpersonal exchanges and communication networks. Framing by partners and leaders influences how the partnership is interpreted by others. Central to the framing process is sensemaking, which involves how leaders arrive at their own understanding of events and how they help others understand the situation. Leaders who use visionary framing focus campus members’ attention to the college’s future and possibilities rather than the current state of the campus. It is important to note that step-by-step framing can lead to successful campus outcomes. In traditional partnerships, step-by-step framing occurs with partnership leaders. Connective framing involves leaders bringing together campus members to jointly create the campus story, using continuous dialogue to revise and update the framing of this story. Through framing, leaders can fortify boundaries either to restrict collaboration or to open them to enhance collaboration.