Whilst Opposition meetings, or ‘quasi Shadow Cabinets’ were undoubtedly held, they were not on any regular weekly or monthly basis. Special meetings had to be called to resolve problems as and when they arose. One of the main purposes of a Shadow Cabinet is to ensure that there is, within limits, an alternative team ready to take office, a team which has had the opportunity of working together in Opposition. This eliminates, to some extent, the doubt and uncertainty over the distribution of posts, particularly the major offices of state. Following the 1874 dissolution and the installation of the Conservatives under Disraeli, Gladstone decided to retire from the leadership. He was reported to be tired of the bickering which had continued throughout the latter stages of the former administration. Gladstone’s position was most aptly described by the diarist H. W. Lucy as being ‘such another withdrawal from the conduct of affairs as the captain of a ship effects.