Between 1935 and 1939 the Labour Opposition, though increased in size and strengthened by the return of some of its senior members, was still heavily outnumbered by the Government. However, Attlee appears to have led his troops efficiently subjecting the Government to ‘continual and searching criticism’ and at the same time putting forward a ‘coherent and constructive alternative policy’. Churchill thus resigned in May, being invited almost immediately to form another Government as leader of the largest party in the state. The new Government, which soon became known as the ‘Caretaker’ Government, was composed primarily of Conservatives and National Liberals, but included a number of non-party former Coalition Ministers such as Sir John Anderson and Sir Andrew Duncan. The Shadow Cabinet co-ordinated and guided the activities of the various parts of the Conservative Party machine between 1945–51 and was undoubtedly the keystone of the whole Opposition structure.