Literally, the word danso means “male clothing”, and it is commonly used to describe women who crossdress. A danso escort company offers to its clients dates with crossdressing women, where “escorting” defines a strictly non-sexual form of entertainment. In fact, danso-clients interactions and the feelings customers experience arise from a deep performative play involving gender, identity and emotions. Clients buy from the market what they feel they cannot obtain from non-commodified – and especially heteronormative – relationships, shifting to a Female-to-Male provider who better matches their needs and who they identify as the perfect partner. Danso kissa are a specific kind of concept cafe – thematic coffee shop – where the staff is composed only of crossdresser women. Here, customers can come alone or with their friends. They are assigned a seat and enjoy their food/drink while the staff members alternately join the table for a few minutes’ conversation.