Naturally, less time was needed to dispose of the building than it had taken to erect it, and fix upon it the character which had been given to it. Among the author's Newcastle friends was Father Horace Mann, Head Master of St. Cuthbert’s Grammar School, and a historian of the Popes. Still, the fact remained that so long as the author described himself as a Positivist, called his Church a Church of Humanity, and had not carried his positivization of Catholicism as far as the positivization of the Mass, he had a certain measure of support from a few Positivists, and could express his religious convictions by preaching and worship. There was nothing, in principle, to prevent him from taking service as a minister in any Church that was willing to have him, provided always—an indispensable and all-important proviso—that it would accept him on his own terms.