This chapter sets the stage for why this book was written. It was originally inspired by a novel written by a renowned Ghanaian writer, Ayi Kwei Armah, titled, The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born. What actually speeded up the writing of the book was the author’s face-to-face encounter with corruption when he moved to Ghana, the observance of the ugly face of corruption in his work around the continent and the numerous reportages on corruption in Africa and its impact on the continent’s development. The helplessness of those who have no choice but to pay a bribe to access government services which should be free, plus the fact that if you report these corrupt government employees, nothing will come of it. Until Africans rise up to fight this canker, corruption will fester and deprive Africa and Africans their development. A few examples to drive this point home are in order. The example is of numerous young Africans perishing trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to find better lives in Europe because corruption and mismanagement have destroyed the respective economies in their various countries leaving them with no opportunities and hope for the future. Another most recent example involves the corrupt acts where huge monies have been pilfered by state officials budgeted to buy drugs and PPEs (gowns, gloves, eye protection, medical masks and N95 respirators) to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. This chapter sets the stage to look at corruption and economic development in Africa.