We had moored the boat. After tying it up it, taking the crayfish with us, we walked back to the kabouter's cave. On the way, the kabouter said, “Of course, there are dreams and daydreams. Daydreaming is fine, but it is important not to build castles in the air. Someone I knew once told me the following story. He was lying on his bed, looking at several bottles of milk his neighbor, a farmer, had given him. He said to himself, ‘I reckon the price of milk is rising. If I turned that milk into cheese, I could sell it and make some money. With the money I make from the cheese, I could buy some cows—maybe as many as five. They would calve within a year and so would their young in due course. Within a couple of years, I could be the owner of 50 cattle. Of course, some will be bulls. I will sell them and get even more money, enough to build myself a house. By that time, I will be rich and have people working for me. And when people see how rich I am, it will be easy to find a beautiful wife who will bear me beautiful children.’