This chapter focuses on ways to prioritize student voice and expertise, both viewing students as strength-based resources and acknowledging student strengths in the student responder process. Students are at the center of all we are doing, and therefore, they deserve their own chapter. In every scenario and story presented so far, what would happen if we added students? Concepts such as peer tutoring programs, student-led IEPs and students on advisory committees will be explored here with stories of success in each area. By including our students in the authentic collaborations needed to redesign special education, we can truly consider their vision for their future. Students are amazingly creative and innovative. Their voice and expertise should carry significant weight, but often, it is the one voice that is left out on committees and decisions. As we think of how to change special education for improvements, we need the student voice and innovation. In the process of doing so, we can also inspire our future generation of educators.