Chapter 3, ‘Place and Its Investigation’, begins with a summary of how it is that people occupy and interact with the physical environment around them. It will utilise the concepts of space and place developed by Doreen Massey and Tim Ingold, whereby space is a product of interrelations permanently under construction as opposed to simply a surface, and place becomes a product of these intersections within the wider power geometry of space. A description of what it means to be emplaced is followed by a discussion on how individuals engage with the surrounding environment through their senses. Theories of power and place are then linked together to understand how young people are embedded in spaces and go about place-making as a strategy of resistance in school. These ideas will then be further developed to demonstrate how resistant behaviour is key to understanding the creation of ‘place’. The chapter continues by building on these theorisations of emplaced activity with an outline of the ethnographic approach taken during the research.