Documents of every description that was thought to be necessary for the protection of those funds were provided, and it only required that the officials and members of the lodges should take an earnest, and honest, interest in their Society for the whole machinery to work with thorough satisfaction. By April, 1895, the Association felt that its finances were sufficiently sound to re-introduce 'out-of-work' payments and £200 was voted for payment to men who had been unemployed for 28 days or more. The tramway system, the gas and water board and various other public utilities in the town were partly financed by the Derbyshire Miners Association. His research work on miners nystagmus, which will be discussed later, earned him the gratitude of the Derbyshire miners and led to his being admitted to honorary membership of the union. The chief targets for the attack were the check-weighmen, many of whom were alleged to be in league with the employers.