This chapter interweaves various stand-alone fragments that construct deep lacerations within research as a political activity. It particularly encircles the subtle dynamics including practices and use of words that implicitly orient our epistemological stances to endorse certain ideologies and not others. While a number of insights may sound unnecessarily censorious, the overriding rationale is to induce some discomfort that would eventually yield substantial (un)learning and (re)thinking. As much as the authors’ contested discourses could also be driven by their situated understandings of knowledge and ontology, they again represent re-readings that imply heavy responsibilities on scholars who may belie the intricacies within their social realities for the sake of drawing digestible chunks of knowledge. This chapter invites the readers to exercise constant re-appraisal of their readings of others and enunciations of themselves so as to gradually alleviate our blurry imaginations of knowledge construction, dissemination and consumption around interculturality and other topics.