This chapter elucidates the concepts related to public relations, publicity, and corporate advertising that is used by organizations to communicate to the larger set of audiences or stakeholders. These tools are used by managers to benefit the organization. In addition, these components of the promotional mix are typically utilized differently as they do not always intend to advertise a particular commodity or service. Instead, they might be employed to advance the company, a cause or viewpoint that the organization supports, or to build goodwill in the community. Public relations are administrative actions that focus on comprehending the public’s viewpoint, assessing the public’s attitude, and developing policies and a course of action to win the public’s approval and gratitude. Publicity is the process through which a third-party entity creates news about a company, its products, a person, etc. Corporate advertising seeks to advance the company, whether by enhancing its reputation, supporting a societal issue or cause, or soliciting direct consumer involvement.