The boundaries of Buganda had been guaranteed by the 1900 Agreement and to attempt to reverse the land settlement after such a lapse of time would only have created a new injustice in an attempt to rectify an old mistake. This was a revolutionary suggestion for Uganda where wage labourers still regarded themselves as being, fundamentally, peasant farmers who supplied the greater part of their families needs from their own small plots and simply worked for wages in order to obtain money to purchase the luxuries of life. In that direction there should be no shortage since 100,000 Banyaruanda entered Uganda yearly from Ruanda-Urundi in search of employment while Tanganyika, Bunyoro, Ankole, Toro and Bugisu all supplied a quota of workers who voluntarily emigrated to other districts. They were sceptical, too, about the reaction of African labourers to higher wages, maintaining that better pay would only encourage laziness and drunkenness.