Heritage serves as a link between the past, present, and future, encompassing cultural, natural, and economic dimensions. Throughout history, humans have preserved memories, marked significant places, and passed down traditions. The concept of heritage evolved from inheritance, reflecting its economic and cultural importance. In heritage, socio-cultural values play a pivotal role, fostering cultural identity and collective memory. Aesthetic, historical, symbolic, social, educational, and spiritual values connect people to places. Natural heritage values recognise the interconnectedness of nature and culture, emphasising benefits like scientific research, biodiversity conservation, and intergenerational continuity. Economic values in heritage economics, drawing from environmental economics, assess the economic significance of heritage sites and resources. Use values relate to direct usage, while non-use values capture the value of preservation and future options. The holistic consideration of heritage values guides conservation, management, and policy decisions, contributing to the understanding, protection, and transmission of our diverse and valuable heritage.