The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was originally formed in 2007 in Pakistan as an umbrella organisation of Sunni Muslim Deobandi armed groups, targeting the state and its institutions. It has recently undergone a revival, principally due to the Afghan Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021 and the latter's little intent or capacity to control, let alone degrade, the TTP's presence on its side of the border. The follow-on Pakistani Operation Raad-ul-Fasaad and the construction of a fence along critical parts of the contested border also ensured the continuity of Pakistan's purpose in 2013-22, with the latter claiming not just to have 'turned the tide' against terrorism but (at least once) to have 'defeated' it. The TTP's ability to retain momentum as a top-tier armed group in Afghanistan and Pakistan will depend on whether Afghanistan continues to provide a safe haven for the group, as well as TPP and army dynamics in Pakistan.