Warehouse is large intermediate storage space for holding the stocks of finished goods and input materials like raw and packaging material. Efficient warehouse management is, therefore, key to ensuring timely service to the customers and also to reduce cost of material handling. Warehouse space utilisation and stock keeping for easy access and for implementing fast-in-first-out principle and record keeping and documentation to account for the stocks are key criteria for efficient warehouse management. Warehouse Management System (WMS), which is an advanced software solution, ensures maximisation of product placement strategies, prioritisation of tasks, implementation of productivity standards and also increase in logistics efficiency as well as product quality and safety. An efficient ERP like SAP can serve as a useful tool and control software system for managing warehouse for a business. Distribution is a very important function in supply chain management to ensure customer service and satisfaction ensuring products are delivered as per customer order in time to avoid loss of sales. Depending on the product types and sales network, the distribution channels and methods are decided. Two factors that guide the distribution methods and strategy are value to be delivered to the customers and cost of satisfying customer needs. In emergency situations, the supply chain often gets disrupted and needs specific actions to service the customers.