Transportation comes under the essential service and if transportation gets disrupted, economy will come to grinding halt. This is also part of the logistics cost in supply chain. Transportation plays an important role in supply chain management by ensuring goods and merchandise to reach the destination to service the customers requirement. Efficient transportation system can help reduce the level of the stock in the trade and thereby will also reduce working capital requirement improving the performance of the business by making it more efficient. The decision on which type of transportation system should be opted for transportation of goods from point of origin to point of destination depends on a number of factors with an ultimate objective to ensure that goods reach the destination for sale at minimum cost and time to travel keeping the safety and quality of goods intact. In international trade, corporations are adapting to containerisation. Packaging plays a very vital role in terms of protecting the goods and merchandise from getting damaged and also keeps the integrity and quality of goods to conform to customer requirements as well as regulatory requirement. It also provides essential information about the product and facilitates storage and warehousing. The type of packaging will depend on types of goods and mode of transportation.