“When we consider a fluid mass in equilibrium, for example some water in a glass, all the parts of the mass appear completely motionless to us. If we put into it an object of greater density it falls and, if it is spherical, it falls exactly vertically. The fall, it is true, is the slower the smaller the object; but, so long as it is visible, it falls and always ends by reaching the bottom of the vessel. When at the bottom, as is well known, it does not tend again to rise…. These familiar ideas, however, only hold good for the scale of size to which our organism is accustomed, and the simple use of the microscope suffices to impress on us new ones…. Indeed it would be difficult to examine for long preparations in a liquid medium without observing that all the particles situated in the liquid instead of assuming a regular movement of fall or ascent, according to their density, are, on the contrary, animated with a perfectly irregular movement. They go and come, stop, start again, mount, descend, remount again, without in the least tending toward immobility. This is the Brownian movement, so named in memory of the naturalist Brown, who described it in 1827.” (Ch. I. § 1.) “What we observe, so long as we can distinguish anything, is not a cessation of the movements, but that they become more and more chaotic…. In brief, the examination of Brownian movement alone suffices to suggest that every fluid is formed of elastic molecules animated by a perpetual motion.” (Ch. I. § 6.) 1