WHERE A and B coexist, their relationship is the product of certain definite and observable factors: these factors will be (1) individual, (2) communal. Each individual is (a) a receiver of vibrations, (b) a harmoniser of vibrations, (c) a generator of vibrations; these cover his connection with the external world: internally, each responds to the vibrations of that life-force which is all pervading. Stating this in terms of religion one may say that when two human beings coexist their conduct is conditioned by their nature, by their environment, and by their harmony with God. A possible source of confusion arises here, since it is customary to regard God as a final court of appeal, and careless reasoning is apt to be content with the assumption that authority is of God. It is essential to be clear on this point: the authority of God, or—if you will—the law of life, is but the control of the human being by an eternal force to which the eternal in him (his soul) responds. The authority of man, in this State, resides ultimately in the Lord Chancellor and the Commander-in-Chief, the latter subject ultimately to the Prime Minister— as the head of the civil power. It is inexcusable to continue to confuse any of these no doubt perfectly respectable citizens with the Supreme Being; The soul of man knows well enough what he shall render to Caesar and what to God.