In the minds of very many there is a vague idea that evolution has something to do with monkeys, and happqned about the time of the Flood. They look at cases in museums and say “Isn’t it wonderful to think we used to be like that? “and only very few think “Isn’t it ridiculous that we should be like this? “They have a general impression of man as a wise biped who has learnt to fly, and built a skyscraper, and to-morrow or next year will stand on the roof and start for perfection in an aeroplane. They cannot believe that he has not learnt to fly,—that if he had he would need a new waistcoat because his breastbone would project so far in front and his chest muscles be so huge. They mistake appearance for reality: their hard-bitten materialism remains supremely content with externals: they become increasingly averse from the effort of reasoning. The rich seem drugged with power, the poor with hopelessness.