It is a fact that people can feel uncomfortable talking about death and dying, which can make it difficult for a terminally ill child or adult to bring up the subject of what they want to happen – leading up to the death and afterwards. It is often easier for the terminally ill person to talk to a professional or even a complete stranger than it is to talk to a family member or friend. A hypnotherapist could be just the right person to help a terminally ill person plan for their death. This can be done in the conscious state or in the trance state – or a combination of both. The script was originally written for someone who is terminally ill but it can be adapted for a healthy person, who just wants to plan ahead. A series of questions is included in the script in order to develop a death plan. The same questions are presented in Appendix 24.1, which can be used to write up the plan after the trance work has been done or if the work is going to be done in the conscious state.