Louis had sanctioned the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, but was increasingly distressed by the divisions it had brought to the surface. The Estates-General he had convened to offer him advice in May 1789 had developed into a sovereign parliament that had sharply limited his powers. Louis fled Paris on 21 June, heading for the safety of the garrison at Nancy, commanded by the militant royalist the Marquis de Bouillé. Louis left behind a lengthy document which publicly repudiated the direction the Revolution had taken and made an appeal to his subjects to return to the certainties they had once known.

As long as the king was able to hope to see the order and happiness of the kingdom revived through the methods employed by the National Assembly, and through his residence close to this Assembly in the capital of the kingdom, no personal sacrifice has aggrieved him; he would not even put forward the complete lack of freedom, which has made void all the steps he has undertaken since the month of October 1789, as an excuse, if this wish had been fulfilled: but today, when the only recompense for so many sacrifices is to witness the destruction of the kingdom, to see all authority ignored, personal property violated, people’s safety everywhere in danger, crimes remaining unpunished, and a complete anarchy established above the law, without the appearance of authority that the new Constitution grants him being sufficient to repair even one of the evils that afflict the kingdom: the king, having solemnly protested against all the decrees that were issued by him during his captivity, believes it to be his duty to put a picture of his behaviour and that of the government that has been established in the kingdom under the eyes of the French and of all the universe. …

From the spirit that reigns in the clubs, and the way in which they seize control of the new primary assemblies, what can be expected from them is apparent; and if they show any sign of some tendency to go back over something, it is in order to destroy what is left of royalty, and to establish some metaphysical and philosophical government which can never be achieved in reality.

People of France, is that what you intended when you sent your representatives to the National Assembly? Did you wish for the anarchy and despotism of the clubs to replace the monarchical government under which the nation prospered for 1,400 years? Did you wish to see your king showered with insults, and deprived of his liberty, while his only goal was to establish yours? …

People of France, and especially you Parisians, inhabitants of a city that the ancestors of His Majesty delighted in calling ‘the good city of Paris’, be wary of the suggestions and lies of your false friends; come back to your king; he will always be your father, your best friend. What pleasure will he not have in forgetting all his personal wrongs, and to see himself once again in your midst, when a Constitution that he has freely accepted ensures that our holy religion will be respected, that the government will be established on a stable footing, and will be useful through its actions, that each man’s goods and position will no longer be disturbed, that laws will no longer be infringed with impunity, and that, finally, liberty will be placed on a firm and unshakeable base.

Source: Archives parlementaires, 21 June 1791, pp. 378–83.https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781032618814/e9ac31eb-0a68-4fdc-b417-e6e5b1e67c6c/content/fig7_Unfig_001.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>