This chapter explains the Codevelopment Action Learning (CAL) method’s Step 2, shedding light on its significance and application.

Step 2 is where the CAL method starts to come into its own. Because it opens the door to new possibilities, many people consider this to be the most important step. This is where participants take the time to explore and reflect – actions that many of us neglect in our daily routine. By asking the client a series of questions, the group reflects on all the components of Step 1 and gives the client a new perspective on their topic. The consultants ask questions to gain insight into the client’s reality and to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of the topic. The questions also enable the client to reflect on their own topic and think about possible solutions.

This chapter also outlines additional aspects of the facilitation of Step 2, its key benefits, a compelling real-life illustration, and an in-depth examination of the theoretical underpinnings that underlie this crucial stage, focusing on the art of effective questioning.