Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) are ostensibly male separatists, but only inasmuch as they believe that if men refuse to engage in relationships with women, it will force women to abandon feminism and submit to men domestically and sexually in exchange for the financial support they depend upon. MGTOW assert that men are responsible for all of the advances of modern society, and if men collectively withheld their input women would be forced to fend for themselves. They would then find themselves ill-equipped to run society on their own, and it would quickly collapse without male dominance and control. This would cause women to reject feminist ideas of independence and accept domestic service to a man and family. Their purported separatism is therefore not seen as something that would be a permanent state of affairs, but rather a sort of “strike” to force women to accept a reinstatement of patriarchal control. However, even if that change does not occur, MGTOW still believe they will be personally happier being financially and emotionally unencumbered by a wife and children.