This chapter considers microphone use and the parameters that permit an intelligent choice of mike to perform a particular job. As in polar patterns, the manufacturer supplies a response curve for each microphone as part of its spec sheet. Bidirectional mikes accept sound with maximum facility at the 0 and 180 degree points, with minimum facility at either of the 90 degree points, and with varying degrees of facility at in-between points of the graph. The hemispherical pattern is found in the boundary or pressure-zone mike. Proximity factors will be described in terms of the idiosyncrasies of particular microphone types. A performer should be on mike, or within the polar pattern live area, for normal pickup. Off-mike refers to the so-called dead sides or areas around velocity and cardioid mikes where there are nulls. The Sony wireless mike systems can operate in the 900 or 470 MHz UHF-FM band or a combination of both bands to maximize performance.