Ampex’s Automated Cassette System and other such systems can be programmed to run stations round-the-clock. In New Zealand, when deregulation led to creation of a third channel (two are state-owned), the new station’s master control room contained a Grass Valley M-21P Master Control Switcher that permits one person to run the entire operation. While the number of jobs at television stations and networks decreases, however, jobs in “television” are opening up in different areas. Corporate TV has been a thriving industry for decades. Making music videos has become a badge of honor among many. And the number of made-for-TV movies has escalated fantastically, with personnel floating relatively freely between the video fields. And convergence itself has created a new job category. More science than television, the area still reflects on and incorporates video and multimediatechnology. The field is called imaging science, and it combines elements of computer graphics, HDTV, satellite photography, and the academic fields of physics, mathematics, and chemistry.