This chapter explores why motivation is vital to help learners sustain their efforts when faced with tricky tasks and when they face setbacks and failure. It examines the understandable ‘sour grapes effect’ that can see some pupils give up too quickly when they struggle or fail. Specific goals that sustain motivation include positive ‘outcome expectancies’, alongside the importance of learners possessing self-efficacy, which are explored in the chapter. The chapter underscores why one-off motivational assemblies are insufficient for establishing and maintaining motivation.

In the second half of the chapter, ‘intrinsic’ (taking on a challenge because of the internal benefits that it offers) and ‘extrinsic’ (taking on a challenge because of its external rewards) motivation are defined and explored. Goal-setting is proposed as a key element in fostering motivation, along with a detailed breakdown of different types of goals. The chapter also offers practical approaches that enhance a sense of belonging and the necessity for ‘psychological safety’ for both learners and teachers.