Compulsive sexual behavior is self-centered and narcissistic by nature. Twelve-step programs urge members to be of service as a way of participating in recovery rather than simply being an observer. Breaking out of the isolation through helping others may sound easy, but if you’re accustomed to distancing, connection of any kind may be dangerous territory. Being of service comes in lots of shapes and forms whether it be at a twelve–step meeting, volunteering in your community or providing a random act of kindness. Generosity of spirit exists within you, but narcissistic habits may stand in the way.

Because the double-life associated with sexual compulsivity is profoundly isolating, one of the remedies is developing meaningful connection even if you’re not sure how to get there. Find your people—those who are completely in your corner—even if it only begins with one person. By trusting a therapist, a coach, or a sponsor, you’ll find out that someone believes in you more than you believe in yourself, and a lasting connection is possible.