Greta has been compared to Joan of Arc but she has more in common with Mahatma Gandhi. Greta was Time Magazine’s person of the year in 2019. Gandhi was awarded that honor in 1930. Greta believes that knowledge should be available to everyone. So did Gandhi. Greta advocates nonviolence. Gandhi was its foremost practitioner. Greta has waged education on behalf of the environment. Gandhi waged education to achieve independence for India.

When Gandhi planned a march to the sea to protest the British government’s salt tax, he knew how many people lived in each of the villages the march would pass through, he understood their degree of suffering, and past experience had taught him that when he talked, they listened. Gandhi also knew how to exploit the available means of education and thereby amplify his actions. In 2003 journalists embedded in military units issued daily reports on the U.S. invasion of Iraq. On April 4, 1932, The New York Times carried a story cabled in by its correspondent embedded in the Salt March under the headline “Gandhi Salt Digging to Begin Tomorrow.” On April 6, 1932 a headline read: “Gandhi Makes Salt, Defying India’s Law.”