The chapter contains the theoretical background and hypotheses development concerning fake leadership influence on organization as a whole, analyzing its influence on organizational reliability. The notion of leadership and its influence organizational reliability is discussed at the beginning. In order to do so, the concept and definition of organization reliability is provided, explaining that organizational performance is just a part of it and it is not enough to analyze the performance itself in the context of leadership in contemporary organizations (as the point of view of both performance and errors is needed to fully understand the presented concepts). Next, once again, intraorganizational trust is introduced as a mediator, in this case between fake leadership and organizational reliability, showing its enormous importance in boosting or mitigating the role of leadership in organization. It is followed by the introduction of the notion of errors as the set of mediators between fake leadership and organizational leadership, assuming that fake leadership is boosting the number of errors and tendency to hide them, which in turn is negatively influencing organizational reliability. That is why, the tendency to hide errors is discussed as a mediator between fake leadership and organizational reliability. It is followed by the presentation of management errors and employees’ errors as subsequent mediators between fake leadership and organizational reliability. Based on that, the model of organizational reliability based on fake leadership is introduced.