Women participate in other activities that are home-based and are perceived to be of lower value like cooking, cleaning animals, making dung cakes, weeding, harvesting, hoeing, et cetera. The division of work is perceived to be due to the nature of work itself. Men do work that involve a lot of hard physical labour like ploughing. The gendered division of work is related to dominant social beliefs and attitudes. The women are confined to homes, away from market-oriented work. The gender based division of work in agriculture is a logical outcome of the dominant social beliefs and attitude that define current status of women. Women farmers are thus doubly burdened with domestic as well as agriculture work. A woman farmer on an average works for almost 15 to18 hours a day. Men in contrast work on an average for 6 to 8 hours. This is also true for girls for whom education has not brought any respite from domestic chores.