This chapter presents the research methods and approach. Key research questions are also posed. In order to justify the chosen methodological path of the proceedings, the essence of the qualitative-interpretive approach in political science research is leaned on, pointing out its strengths and advantages. Particular attention is paid to the associated enabling of the researcher to identify the problem, clarify the issue, structure the themes, and define the dimensions of the analysis. The use of the in-depth interview tool is then justified as it enables fuzzy concepts and elements to be captured and related to each other, making them amenable to both empirical analysis and normative evaluation. Within this outlined framework, it is discussed and argued why the case of Poland was chosen for the empirical study. Information is presented on the nine studied cases of deliberative mini-publics (in the form of citizens’ assemblies) that took place in Poland between 2016 and 2021 in seven large cities (Gdańsk, Lublin, Kraków, Łódź, Warsaw, Wrocław, and Poznań). The method of data collection is explained and the different stages of the research process are discussed.