The accession to power of the Nazi Party in 1933, Hitler's unopposed seizure of the Rhineland in 1936, his annexation of Austria in 1938 and of Czecho-slovakia a year later brought the peril of a Second World War right to the doors. The prospect alarmed the Surgeon who foresaw that if hostilities lasted, as was, for years, the Society would be in the gravest danger of disruption. In these circumstances he sought the advice of the President. After the loyal toast had been honoured the President proposed the health of Sir Ambrose. He said that the evening’s celebrations marked another milestone in the history and progress of the Hospital, progress that had been made possible by the devoted service of such men as their guest. It was Sir Ambrose’s silver jubilee. There must be opportunities for the gifted to attain positions of influence and distinction in the national life. The fear of a controlled and uniform mediocrity must be removed.