This chapter intricately examines the biographical narratives of dedicated missionaries who labored to compile instructional materials and grammatical resources for the Korean language. Noteworthy figures in this pursuit encompass John Ross (1842–1915), Félix-Clair Ridel (1830–1884), James Scott (1850–1920), Camille Imbault-Huart (1857–1897), Horace Grant Underwood (1859–1916), James Scrath Gale (1863–1937), and Annie Laurie Baird (1864–1916). Through meticulous scrutiny, each individual’s life journey and impactful endeavors are meticulously illuminated. Furthermore, this chapter meticulously presents and dissects the literary contributions authored by these missionaries, delving into the substantive content of their works. An essential facet of the exploration involves a discerning comparative analysis that serves to highlight both the parallels and nuances inherent in these works. In addition, the chapter thoughtfully delineates the mutual influences that interwove these authors’ trajectories, shaping their collective contributions in the realm of Korean language studies.