This chapter summarizes the challenges and possibilities of the modern era in education. Certainly almost every teacher cultivates, usually by necessity, eyes in the back of her head—that edu-radar that alerts us to imperceptible shifts in the climate of our classrooms and schools. Today’s teachers must glean the best from the past—the best instructional practices, the bravest ideas, and, of course, the core disciplines—and usher them through the gateway to the future. A good starting point to learn more about the impact of visual literacy on today’s learners and cultivate an awareness of its persuasive presence is the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. The chapter shows up, prepares, acquires new ideas and skills, and puts our very best efforts into making teaching as relevant and real as possible for this “eye generation”. When we engage minds, capture interest, and unleash creativity, we empower students to make thoughtful choices, to communicate richly, and to share ideas with confidence and purpose.