This chapter presents liberal democracy’s “neutrality” as the root of the problem facing liberal democracy. Illiberal movements like Christian Nationalism effectively exploit liberalism’s neutrality to undermine and threaten liberal democracy itself. The concept of “neutrality” within the context of public schools can be seen in calls to teach “both sides” of controversial or contested issues, but opponents of liberalism can exploit calls for “balance” by introducing ideas that undermine the principles of liberal democracy. Recent developments in the K-12 and higher education systems in the United States demonstrate how Christian Nationalists have exploited the idea of “neutrality” to accuse public schools of “bias” with the aim of introducing and imposing a Christian Nationalist worldview on students. If liberal democracy is to be preserved, then its proponents may have to “pick sides” to prevent the civic mission of public schools from being co-opted by Christian Nationalists who threaten the basic principles of a democratic way of life.