We spend roughly one third of our lives at work, yet there is very little research or discussion about how culture plays a role in our work environments. There is even less discussion regarding how our work environments impact substance use. The term “workplace culture” implies that the places we work have a culture that we are part of, and we spend a significant amount of time immersing ourselves in that culture. This is why the next chapter will focus on the intersection of our workplace culture and substance use. Our work environments are different from our home and social lives, but they have a significant impact on our cultural identity in many ways. This chapter will provide rationale for considering cultural responsiveness in the workplace as it pertains to substance use and its importance on the ability to achieve culturally responsive substance use treatment. This information will increase provider awareness of workplace culture's impact on one's substance use, and it will prompt organizations to consider innovative ways to shift their workplace culture to be more culturally responsive. It will also serve as a call to action for more research to be conducted in this area.