Data journalism is often buzzed out in the field of journalism. With the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), data journalism is undergoing continuous changes. Newsrooms are smartly looking for human resources who have the skillsets of the combination of journalism and data science skills. Since journalism is a dynamic field, the incorporation of newer techniques including metaverse, nonfungible tokens (NFTs), immersive technologies, ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 is no surprise. Computer-generated imagery is expected to come in a big way. Metaverse-powered storytelling is likely to boost subscriber and revenue models for newsrooms across the globe. More newsrooms need to be proactive to engage in experimental projects pertaining to newer technologies. This chapter attempts to cover the applications of AI in practicing data journalism in the newsrooms. The uses of various AI tools for data journalism have been detailed in the light of new journalistic practices. However, like any of the technological innovations, AI tools are also not free from flaws. The impact of AI applications in the domain of data journalism has become a mixed bag. Sometimes, AI tools are fast-pacing or distorting the news production process. Numbers of relevant perspectives have been raised pertaining to the applications of technologies in general and AI tools in the field of journalism in particular. Some of the important subjects like culture, geography, gender, economy, profession, time and nature of journalism have been duly discussed.