On April 30, 2020, Snigdha Mathur, Head Transaction advisory group at Elixir Capital Partners, addressed its team over a Zoom call. The entire world was in the stranglehold of the Covid-19 pandemic. Most countries, including India, announced nationwide lockdowns to break the virus chain and to avoid the collapse of the National Health Infrastructure (NHS), resulting in the loss of many lives. Most countries accepted a trade-off of saving human lives over facing adverse economic consequences, but that also had its challenges. It would result in large-scale unemployment and the closure of many small- and medium-scale industries. Tours and Travel, Hospitality and Entertainment, and Airline were some of the worst-hit sectors. Governments across the world were announcing the economic packages to blunt the adverse consequences. However, adversity for one might bring an opportunity for the other. So while movie exhibitors found themselves between a rock and a hard place, April 2020 tuned out to be one of the best months for over-the-top (OTT) platforms offering online video streaming services.