In the middle and late 1930s, all major countries were compelled to review their foreign policies. Italian policy was becoming increasingly aggressive, while Germany and Italy were drawing together, despite continuing differences of interest in central Europe. The Anti-Comintern Pact between Japan and Germany was set up in November 1936, and a year later it was broadened to include Italy. The German cartoon of December 1936 Comintern at work comments on the German-Japanese Anti-Comintern Pact which had come into existence in the previous month. The French cartoon of January 1937 comments both on Benito Mussolini wide ambitions and on the increasingly cordial relations which were developing between Italy and Germany. The American cartoon from July 1937 comments on the renewed Japanese aggression against China. Japan, who has already cut off Manchuria from the tail of the Chinese dragon, prepares to cut off another segment from the beast, who turns round in anger.