This chapter is an analysis of the questionnaire completed by the sample, together with extracts from the oral interviews with a small sub-sample of 39 boys (see Appendix B). The aim is to supplement the information in the preceding chapter, by obtaining further information from the boys themselves, and by so doing adding a new dimension to a study of education in borstal. The information from the boys is of two kinds: firstly, quantitative data on such matters as type and number of schools attended, amount of absence, experience of Further Education; and, secondly, qualitative data relating to their interests and attitudes. Some of the problems in obtaining information in this way have already been indicated. However, despite the problems, it was felt to be fundamental to any study of the role of education, as part of borstal training, to obtain detailed and varied information from boys sentenced to borstal training, on their previous educational experience, as they perceive it themselves.