S h e l l e y , in his Prometheus Unbound, w rote these w ords: “ He gave m an speech, and speech created thought, which is the m easure of the U n iverse /'

Shelley m akes bold claim for speech, and p u ts it even before th o u g h t ; w hether in th is he was guided b y poetic insight, or only b y poetic licence, is beyond our present inquiry ; b u t th a t there is indeed the closest connection betw een speech and though t will hard ly be disputed. As Max Muller p u t it, “ To th ink is to speak low. To speak is to th ink aloud." 1

We have seen th a t speech is essentially a m a tte r of symbolic gestures of the organs of articu la tion-a ritu a l dance-or gesture code-b y which we strive to give ou tw ard and visible form to our thoughts (or some of them ) so as to define and symbolize them in our own m inds and inform th e m inds of others'.