THIS book thus far serves to introduce the reader to psycho-analysis. There is no intention of replacing the study of the other works covering our field. He who wishes to work most effectively, will first of all procure Freud's works which may be read most advantageously in the order of their appearance. * The works of Freud published in the Jakrbuch, Zentral-Matt and Imago are to be carefully perused. In so doing, one should bear in mind this circumstance: Freud is accustomed, in the later editions of his works, to leave the earlier conclusions unchanged, even where he has modified them. Only seldom does he correct earlier errors in foot-notes. The reader is thus compelled to follow closely the development of psychoanalysis. Only after a knowledge of the whole investigation has been gained, can one be sure of knowing the present theory of the great scholar, which fortunately still admits of much development.