S cien ce and Poetry has one of the most peculiar publication his­ tories of any of Richards’ works. In London the book was first published in June 1926 in the Psyche Miniatures General Series, by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. In New York the book was published in a reset edition with a new pagination by W. W. Norton as Volume II in the New Science Series. Rich­ ards revised the text very extensively for a second London edi­ tion in 1935. As far as is known there was no issue of this revised edition in the United States until 1970, when Richards changed the title, to Poetries and S cien ces, added a new preface, a new set o f footnotes, a postface entitled ‘Reorientation’, and appended a recent essay, ‘How Does a Poem Know when it is Finished?’. 1 The variations between the editions of 1926 and *935 are so considerable that no simple choice can be made between the texts, and no simple listing of variants is adequate. Consequently, both versions are reprinted in this edition. The following text is that o f 1926, and that of 1935 appears in the appropriate chronological position in Volume 9: C ollected Shorter Writings 1919-1938.